At our latest community session, we had the pleasure of working with ecologist and nature advocate Tiffany Wallace. It was interesting to hear how Tiffany uses drawing as a way to understand the details of plants. In her field book, she shared lots of different examples including root systems… Which root system are you?!
Are you a tap root, which holds most of it’s energy under the surface?
Are you like adventitious roots? They make the most of their environment and clump together the soil around them
Perhaps you’re more of a corm (blub)? They are like the tap root, with a big internal system to retreat into, but have some short adventitious roots
Or you might be a rhizome. They operate on the surface, with multiple ‘arms’ of roots, so that if one gets cut it can continue growing

We were also joined by Lara Houston, a researcher from the Creative Practices for Transformational Futures (CreaTures) project, which has been supporting the project this year. Tiffany was our last guest facilitator, bringing her scientific perspective on the plants and places we’ve been exploring recently. In our next session, we’ll be bringing all the ideas and inspirations from visiting facilitators Ligia Macedo, Holly Sandiford, Jacques Nimki and Tiffany Wallace together, and designing a series of public events for May – watch this space!