Join artist Genevieve Rudd for a relaxed walk around Burgh Castle, on Saturday 15th June 2-4pm, with some mindful making activities inspired by the surrounds, working directly with the natural materials found along the walk. No previous experience is needed, just a willingness to try out creative activities which will encourage you to look more closely at the landscape, such as making nature paintbrushes and pigments.
Activities will revolve around mixed media drawing, creating charcoal drawings with DIY twig/leaf/grass paintbrushes tied with string which will be created along the walk, and using mud as a pigment mixed with water.
The walk is free, no booking required. Meet at the Burgh Castle English Heritage car park.
This event is part of the Water, Mills and Marshes: the Broads Landscape Partnership | watermillsandmarshes.org.uk | www.visitthebroads.co.uk
Programmed as part of the first Norfolk Creativity and Wellbeing Week 10th to 16th June 2019. Download the full programme: